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J. Operating Staff:
  • Engineers mastered on design of electrical networks for industrial and marine plants.
  • Engineers mastered on design of piping networks for industry and ships.
  • Technicians mastered on design of electric (L/MV) board and automation (PLC) boards.
  • Engineers mastered on plants & yard erection works.
  • Technicians mastered on manufacture of electric low voltage, distribution board and automation (PLC) boards.
K. Marketing Staff:
  • External Consulting.
L. Management:

Ausys operational organization is based on:
  • Managing and technical director.
  • Quality assurance responsible.
  • Marketing and outside services responsible.
  • Design department manager.
  • Workshop manager.
M. Utilities:

The company has the following job sites:
  • Design department full equipped with adequate hardwares.
  • Workshop department full equipped with adequate machinery and tools.

Ausys s.n.c - Phone +39 019 68911 - Fax. +39 019 6891255 - P.IVA 01336180094